Celebrating the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards!

Wow! 2014 heralded in our first Crowdrise campaign and it was a lot of fun! Together we raised $43,465 – with donations still rolling in – to present programs, underwrite entry fees, award scholarships and connect with our alumni. From alum Lena Dunham’s tweet on Giving Tuesday to support the Awards to the Director of the Andy Warhol Museum, Eric Shiner, sharing the experience of alum Andy Warhol, we heard so many compelling stories from alums and friends across the country. From all of us at the Alliance for Young Artists & Writers…

Here are some highlights from our month-long campaign pulled together on Storify. We look forward to another year of record-breaking submissions. Let’s ring in 2015 with more art and writing!

(Psst. You can also still donate to our Annual Appeal before December 31, 2014 here!: www.crowdrise.com/2014annualappeal)