Poem in Your Pocket Day with the 2018 National Student Poets

The Class of 2018 National Student Poets conduct a poetry workshop for Scholastic Inc. staff and Alliance for Young Artists & Writers staff at Scholastic's headquarters in New York City.
The Class of 2018 National Student Poets conducts a poetry workshop for Scholastic Inc. staff and Alliance for Young Artists & Writers staff at Scholastic’s headquarters in New York City.

Today is Poem in Your Pocket Day! Every year during National Poetry Month, poetry lovers are asked to carry a poem with them in their pocket and share it with others in conversation, through email, or even on social media (use #pocketpoem)!

If you haven’t decided on which poem to carry with you today, then you should check out the 2018 National Student Poets! Here they are reading their own original poetry. Feel free to share these videos with your friends!

Ariana Smith

Daniel Blokh

Alexandra Contreras-Montesano

Heather Laurel Jensen

Darius Atefat-Peckham