Every year, the Scholastic Awards partner with organizations to provide scholarship opportunities for our students. Through the support of our sponsors, the Scholastic Awards offer more than $250,000 in direct scholarships to students, with additional scholarship money available through our Scholarship Partners. Here are the scholarships available through the Scholastic Awards for 2018:
Graduating seniors can submit art and/or writing portfolios consisting of eight works each for the chance to be considered for our highest honor, the Gold Medal Portfolio. Sixteen students (eight artists and eight writers) will receive a Gold medal for their portfolio, along with a $10,000 scholarship.
Students who earn a Silver Medal With Distinction Portfolio will receive $1,000 scholarships.
Through a partnership with the Campaign for the Civic Mission of Schools, we are offering a new award for students whose original art or writing demonstrates civic knowledge and skills. Six students whose art or writing highlights and demonstrates awareness of American civic rights and responsibilities will receive $1,000 scholarships.
The Scholastic Awards and the New York Life Foundation have created a special partnership to encourage bereaved teens in grades 7–12 who have personally experienced a loss through the death of a close loved one to create original works of art or writing that explore their responses to a range of grief and emotion. Six students who earn New York Life Awards will receive $1,000 scholarships.
The Herblock Award for Editorial Cartoon
Sponsored by The Herb Block Foundation, The Herblock Award for Editorial Cartoon celebrates the legacy of four-time Pulitzer Prize-winning political cartoonist Herb Block and his remarkable contribution to American history and free expression. Three teen artists will be selected to each receive a $1,000 scholarship from The Herb Block Foundation for their outstanding drawings, illustrations, or animations offering commentary on current events or political topics.
In addition to being considered for awards within their respective categories, two writers and two artists per grade 7–12 are chosen each year as the Best-in-Grade. Grouping students’ work by grade provides additional incentive for students to compete among their peers, and a grade-by-grade look into the varied work students produce. Sponsored by Bloomberg Philanthropies, the Best-in-Grade Award offers $500 prizes to each of its 24 recipients.
Scholarship Partners for Additional College Scholarships
We partner with colleges and universities to earmark scholarships for college-bound Scholastic Awards recipients. Each university has the final decision-making authority on awarding scholarships. Visit our Scholarship Partners page for a list of colleges and universities with which we partner.
The Scholastic Awards are always looking for more opportunities to showcase the exceptional work our students produce. If you are interested in sponsoring a Special Award, please contact the Scholastic Awards.