Workshopping the Summer Away!

The Scholastic Awards partnered with organizations across the country to offer students art, writing, and video game design workshops all summer long

With September just around the corner, it’s time for a look back at all the fun we’ve had this summer before we head into a new school year.

Over the past few months, the Scholastic Awards staff spent a lot of time on the road. From Philadelphia to Fargo, from Houston to Oakland and back to New York City, we’ve been all around the country bringing art and writing workshops to students nationwide. With help from our sponsors and partners, we’ve connected hundreds of students with dedicated instructors to keep teens engaged and creating all summer long.

Through support from the New York Life Foundation, we were able to offer art and writing workshops to encourage bereaved teens who have personally experienced a loss through the death of a close loved one to create original works of art or writing that explore their responses to a range of grief and emotion.

Special thanks to our partners at Bo’s Place, NAACP ACT-SO, Discover Together, and Chapter 510 for hosting these amazing workshops.

We challenged students to do more than play video games by offering them workshops on video game design. With the ESA Foundation’s support, we recruited professionals in the video game industry to teach teens how to design their own video games from scratch.

Special thanks to Kids Corp II at Speedway Academies, East Harlem Tutorial Program, The New School, Red River Valley Writing Project, Art Academy of Cincinnati, Philadelphia Writing Project, and PODS Game Design for partnering with us to present teen video game design workshops.

Although summer is winding down, the Scholastic Awards is full-steam ahead! We’ve got more workshops planned for the fall–including Editorial Cartoon workshops sponsored by The Herb Block Foundation–and next summer will be jam-packed with exciting opportunities for students to keep creating.

What did you do on your summer vacation?