Behind the Scenes: Meet Olivia Edwardson

Olivia's Scholastic  table at NDCTE 2014
Olivia at the North Dakota Council of Teachers of English Conference.

Olivia Edwardson is not only your regional coordinator for the state of North Dakota, she is also incredibly close to the organizations that have partnered to bring the Awards to North Dakota. A 2011 graduate of North Dakota State University, her first teaching position was at a rural school in LaMoure, North Dakota. Olivia completed the Red River Valley Writing Project‘s Summer Institute in 2012, and has remained active in the site. Olivia volunteered to judge Region-at-Large entries for Scholastic in 2013, and when the Red River Valley Writing Project began talking about partnering with the Plains Art Museum to serve as the state affiliate, she volunteered to serve as Statewide Coordinator. She has taken an active role in promoting the Awards throughout the state and is having a great time, too!

This summer, Olivia presented at the RRVWP Institute and the North Dakota Council of Teachers of English Conference to give educators an overview of the Awards program, the opportunities available for students, and to distribute materials. A great start to getting students involved! Through Olivia’s presentations and school outreach, she has garnered a lot of interest about the program and has recruited a few volunteers for the adjudication process! Olivia understands how important educators are in guiding students not only in their day-to-day schoolwork, but also in the Awards submission process. With $10 million in scholarships available to students on the national level, everyone at the North Dakota Affiliate Program is there to support their local students in submitting to the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards!

The deadline for entries to the North Dakota region is TOMORROW, December 17 at 11:59pm EST, so get your work uploaded today!

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