Resources for Children’s Grief Awareness Month

November is Children’s Grief Awareness Month. While often overlooked, childhood grief is common. Before COVID-19, it’s estimated that one in 14 children in the U.S. suffered the death of a parent or sibling by age 18. This means that more than 5.3 million U.S. youth had experienced the loss of a love one by the age of 18—and this number more than doubled by age 25 (JAG Institute). With more than 750,000 lives lost due to COVID-19 in the United States alone, people are engaging more openly in conversations about grief and mental health. 

In partnership with the New York Life Foundation, we’ve worked to highlight the stories of young people and their grief though the New York Life Award. In honor of Children’s Grief Awareness Month, we’re also sharing resources on the role of creativity in the process of grieving, and how educators can support students through experiences of loss. 

For Everyone 

Student and Educator Workshop: Processing Collective Grief Through Art 

This workshop explores strategies for expressing emotion, and particularly feelings of grief and anxiety, through art. Learn how to unpack an image, employ that knowledge in your artistic practices, and develop a unique visual vocabulary to communicate your ideas. 

Panel: Creating Through Grief 

Meet a panel of Scholastic Award-winning alum and hear how their experiences of grief and loss affect their creative practice and writing. Darius Atefat-Peckham, Zelda Godsey-Kellogg, and Alexa Russell offer readings of their work, and discuss the role that writing has played in understanding their own grief. 

For Educators 

Professional Development: Art Educator’s Guide for Healing Through Creativity 

Dr. Donalyn Heise and Adrienne Hunter, M.Ed, offer a dive deep into lesson plans in their guide, Healing Through Creativity: Visual Arts’ Educator Guide. Get advice on how to use these lesson plans in the classroom, and explore best practices to support teens processing grief through art. 

Download the Healing Through Creativity: Visual Arts’ Educators Guide

New York Life Foundation: Children’s Grief Awareness Month Resources 

Educators and other adults supporting young people who are grieving can access resources in English and Spanish, get answers to frequently asked questions about childhood grief, and learn of other events happening during Children’s Grief Awareness Month. 

View Children’s Grief Awareness Month Resources compiled by the New York Life Foundation and partners.  

You can also find support in your area in this provider list from the National Alliance for Grieving Children.