Hot off the Presses: 2021 Publications

One of the opportunities students receive when they enter work into the Scholastic Awards is the chance to see their art or writing in print. Since the beginning of our program in 1923, award-winning student art and writing have been featured in magazines and publications produced and distributed by the Scholastic Awards. For many students, seeing their work in print is a life-changing experience and puts them on the path toward a future as creative people.

Since 2019, we’ve featured works by the National Medalists in three publications: Yearbook, Best Teen Art, and Best Teen Writing. All students and their educators receive free copies of the Yearbook, while free copies of Best Teen Art and Best Teen Writing are distributed based on whether the student received an award for art or writing. We also send free copies of our publications to other organizations, libraries, schools, and more.

Yearbook 2021

This year’s Yearbook includes the names of all of the 2021 National Medalists; the educators of the Gold Medal Portfolio Awardees, Silver Medal with Distinction Portfolio Awardees, and scholarship winners; the names of our partners and Affiliates; and information about our programs and their impact. The Yearbook is a memento of the 2021 program year and provides a record of all of the people and organizations that made this year special.

View a digital version of Yearbook 2021.

Best Teen Art 2021

Best Teen Art showcases the incredible breadth of artwork created by the 2021 National Medalists. The works created this year reflect the unprecedented times we’re living in. From dealing with the loss of loved ones, experiences, and routines due to the pandemic to reflections on social justice, the works featured in Best Teen Art capture this historical year as seen through the eyes of our nation’s teens.

View a digital version of Best Teen Art 2021.

Best Teen Writing 2021

Our annual writing anthology, Best Teen Writing, features award-winning works from all eleven writing categories in the Awards. Best Teen Writing gives us insight into what’s on the minds of today’s teens and reveals what they are most concerned about, their truths, and what they want to change. The works in Best Teen Writing are honest, thoughtful, and prescient, while also being witty and sharp.

View a digital version of Best Teen Writing 2021.

Every year, we take pride in presenting the works of these talented teens in our publications. We hope you enjoy them as much as we do.