Honoring Children’s Grief Awareness Day

The year 2020 was not what we thought it would be. In six short months, the world turned upside down, and life became dramatically different. For many, loss has a powerful grip, and the reminders are all around us. For the past several years, the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards and New York Life Foundation have partnered to present the New York Life Award, recognizing and empowering students who express their grief through creativity. As we reflect on loss, healing, bereavement, and hope on National Children’s Grief Awareness Day, we want to share creative tools.  

Sharing your story through art or writing can heal you and your community. You can be a chronicler of this extraordinary time, and your unique experiences and the experiences of your community matter. As we all look back at the losses of 2020 and the grief that washes over the globe, we hope that you will submit your art and writing works to the 2021 New York Life Award. Check your regional deadlines hereand learn more about the Award hereWe hope this opportunity for creative expression provides you with a chance to put challenging feelings into words and artif ever there was a time to tell your story, now is the time.