Artist Shows His Work from 2 Years old to 25

Marc Allante. A Portrait of Hong Kong. 125cm x 85cm. Ink on 300gsm Cold Press Paper.

Hong Kong-born artist Marc Allante has demonstrated a passion for the visual arts since he was just 2 years old! Seeing how popular his recent lion painting (pictured above) was, Allante decided to show the 25 years it took him to get to where he is now. As you look at his progression below, think about how you’ve developed as an artist over the years. We hope this inspires you to continue pursuing your craft, because who knows where you’ll be when you’re 25! Share your thoughts in our comments section below.

Age 2

Age 3

Age 4

Age 5

Age 6

Age 7

Age 8

Age 9

Age 10

Age 11

Age 13

Age 14

Age 15

Age 16

Age 17 and 18

Age 19

Age 20

Age 22

Age 23

Age 24

Age 25

Adapted from a story that appeared on on February 18, 2013.